The Copper level of the P3 METHOD is developing your own trading process based on these fundamental principles of trading: P1- Protect Your Capital
P2 – Pivot Points
P3 – Price Cycles
The Silver level of the P3 METHOD is developing emotional intelligence and learning to manage yourself, your thoughts, your emotions, your beliefs and behaviors. The following are
P1- Prepare
P2 – Prevent
P3 – Patience
P3 Trading Method
Learn to trade ANY market, be it stocks, options, futures or forex, with the P3 Trading Method which compiles fundamental concepts and principles which will help you master the science and art of trading. The P3 Trading Method is organized into four components to help traders develop trading skills, strategy development, and self-coaching techniques to help them become independently successful traders.
The Bronze level of the P3 Method focuses on developing your trading strategy’s statistical edge and developing an evaluation process to prove that your edge is profitable.
P1- Practice
P2 – Prove
P3 – Polish
The Gold level of the P3 METHOD is ensuring that you know the following in regard to your desire to become a trader:
P1- Purpose
P2 – Plan
P3 – Pursuit
Struggling Trader
Have you struggled in the past? Are you struggling now?
Think you might struggle in the future??
Do you know how to OVERCOME your trading struggles???
Well, fear your struggles no more!!
Overcome your struggles now!
30 Days of Lessons
30 Days of Action Steps
30 Days to Overcome all of your struggles.
If you are:
feeling stuck with your trading strategy,
overcome with emotions of guilt, shame or embarrassment because of mistakes you've made,
no longer feeling confident in your trading abilities,
hitting a wall of doubt or disbelief,
or just in need of extra insight and perspective
of your trading journey,
then you need to take this course!